Cliff West
Cliff is 61 years old born in Astoria Oregon. His interest in trains
started when he was old enough to know what a train was. The Spokane
Portland & Seattle Ry. ran there on the way to Seaside. Photography
started in the mid 1950's with Cliff and his dad taking pictures around
Astoria. They developed their own film and printed the photos, all in
living black & white.
They moved to Portland in 1959 and their house had a view of the U.P.
Kenton line about a block away. The trains could be heard approaching
and Cliff would look out the frontroom window and watch them and on
occasion photo them from near the tracks.
Cliff uses a Pentax K-1000 with a 70-225 macro/zoom and Seattle
Filmworks film.
Model trains date from 1950 when Cliff got a Lionel Scout set. Now it's
HO of the Southern Pacific in the 1970's.
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