Message of the day - March 24, 2018:

Hi everyone,

Sadly, if the past 4 years is any indication there will be few if any more BN motive power photos posted here. I've pretty much exhausted my collection, and I don't seem to be attracting much for contributions. I have bought a few slides here and there since 2014. Perhaps a few recent purchases from Barry R. Byington will eventually be scanned and posted.

The topic of double rotary coupler BN coal hoppers came up recently on the BNlist, so I dug into my digital collection and found 5 suitable photos, so after 4 years of inactivity, a reason to continue has presented itself, and I'm stepping up to deliver since I can, even if the photos are all from well into the BNSF era.


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Last updated: 3/24/2018